John Bolton PAC Makes Major Spending Commitment In Maryland’s Critical US Senate Race: New Poll Confirms Strong Support for Larry Hogan

John Bolton PAC budgets $1MM towards a digital ad blitz in support of Larry Hogan as a new Bolton PAC poll shows Hogan with a clear path to victory.

Washington D.C. – Ambassador John Bolton’s PAC announced they will budget at least $1 million to independent expenditures in support of former Governor Larry Hogan’s campaign for the U.S. Senate from Maryland. The campaign will be entirely digital, focusing heavily on connected television and social media. The campaign will launch almost immediately, running statewide through Election Day. Since 2014, John Bolton has spent over $8 million on major independent expenditures in key battleground U.S. Senate races, including releasing over 60 television ads.

A new poll conducted by John Bolton PAC reveals former Governor Larry Hogan is in a tight general election race. Bolton PAC polled both the election and national security interests among Maryland voters. Key findings include:

  • Larry Hogan is extremely well-liked in the state, with a fav/unfav of 61-31. He is more popular than President Biden.
  • Hogan is overwhelmingly seen as a moderate – 40%, with only small numbers of voters saying they identify with the political extremes.
  • Maryland voters are pessimistic about the future, with nearly 60% saying the country is heading in the wrong direction.
  • Nearly half of Maryland voters think World War 3 is somewhat/very close, reflecting a huge level of anxiety.

Ambassador John Bolton on Larry Hogan:

“Maryland knows Larry Hogan. Now that he’s running for federal office, Democrats will do everything in their power to scare voters into believing he’s someone different than the person we all know and trust. The reality is, if America wants to stand tall against the likes of Russia, China, and Iran, it’s going to require competent and stable leadership at home, especially in the Senate. Larry is the obvious choice for Maryland.”

Characterizing the survey’s results, Ambassador John Bolton said:

“Our data shows that this race is winnable for Hogan. Maryland knows Larry Hogan and it would be wrong to simply treat him like another politician. It’s an uphill climb for Democrats, not the other way around.”

Ambassador Bolton was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, and is a life-long resident of the state.

These findings are based on a survey conducted on behalf of John Bolton PAC of likely general election voters in Maryland was taken between May 8-10, 2024, by Torchlight Strategies. Sample Size n=644, conducted using live surveys, text, and online panels (324 Live + 173 Text +148 Online Panel).  The survey of general election voters has a margin of error of +/- 3.9% at a 95% confidence interval. A polling summary can be found online at:

About the John Bolton PAC ( Through his PAC, SuperPAC and Foundation, Ambassador John Bolton defends America by raising the importance of national security in public discourse and supporting candidates who believe in strong national security policies. Ambassador Bolton has worked hard to restore conservative leadership, which must reverse the recent policies of drift, decline, and defeat. America must rise to the occasion and acknowledge the indispensable role we play in the world. Through 2022, Ambassador Bolton has endorsed over 250 candidates and raised nearly $30 million for his organizations.





Ambassador John Bolton, a diplomat and a lawyer, has spent many years in public service. He served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations in 2005-2006. He was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security from 2001 to 2005. In the Reagan Administration, he was an Assistant Attorney General.